Mina Kumari, a determined adolescent from Raghunathpur-9, Garuda, faced adversity at 16 when she became a mother in a poor, marginalized community. Her dreams were hindered by limited access to education. At 14, she fell in love, but her partner abandoned her when she became pregnant at 16. Lack of sexual education and resources added to her struggles.


Her secret was exposed, leading to challenges and societal prejudices. Mina displayed remarkable resilience and courage, embracing motherhood and defying expectations. Her family faced threats and isolation, but they stood by her, showing the power of love and solidarity. Efforts to arrange a marriage with her partner were shattered when his family denied responsibility. Seeking justice and support, her family filed a police complaint but received no response.

Addressing the unique challenges faced by adolescents like Mina and providing knowledge and support can create a brighter future where every young person has the opportunity to thrive and realize their full potential. Mina’s situation highlights the importance of comprehensive sexual education and access to reproductive health resources for adolescents, empowering them to make informed decisions and reducing the risks of unintended pregnancies and emotional toll.