Let’s bust common myths, and existing misconceptions about menstruation/periods. Learn the truth and get the science behind your period and ask anything.

1) Period blood is as pure as blood circulation in your body

Myth:Period blood is dirty and impure.

Fact:Hey, guess what? Period blood is just blood fluid composed of blood, vaginal secretions, and the endometrial cells of the uterine wall. If you test the menstrual fluid in the lab, you’ll  find no difference in menstrual blood and the blood that runs in your veins. It’s a natural part of life, not dirty or impure. 


2) Okay to touch and hug in Period!

Myth: Hey! Don’t touch your brother or any male! When you’re on your period, you’re in a no-touch zone.

Fact: Having your period doesn’t make you impure or untouchable. You’re still the awesome person you were before. High-fives and hugs are always on the table.


3) Period is a blessings: enjoy, love and respect your period . 

Myth: Menstruation is a curse.

Fact: Let’s get real—periods are not a curse. They’re just a normal part of life. Embrace it, and let’s break that stigma!


4) Enjoy staying home and your regular bed during period 

Myth: You should not sleep on your bed or even in the house. There’s a chau-goth or cowshed you’re supposed to stay in during your menstruation period.

Fact:  You’re advocating Chau-goth? Seriously outdated! Being banished (sent away from home because of menstruation) because of your period is not good practice. It’s risky and unnecessary. Everyone deserves warmth, safety, and respect, no matter what time of the month it is and you are okay to stay home in your comfort regular place. 


5) Read whatever you like, stay inform of mirror and do some make over during Periods?

Myth: You should not look in the mirror or even study during your periods.

Fact: Times have changed! Periods don’t stop you from being awesome. You can study, look in the mirror, comb hair, make over, feel beautiful, and eat whatever you want. Periods don’t curse your ambitions or your love for pizza or panipuri.


6) Is it possible to get pregnant during this period?

Myth: Women who are menstruating cannot become pregnant during her period.

Fact: Ovulation is when an egg is released from the ovary, usually happening about halfway through a woman’s monthly cycle. Sperm can stick around in a woman’s body for up to 5 days, so if you ovulate during that time, there’s a chance you could get pregnant. Most women are most likely to get pregnant around ovulation, which tends to be roughly 14 days before their next period starts. But everybody’s body is different, so ovulation can happen at different times for different people. Getting pregnant during your period is not very common because most women don’t ovulate then but since sperm can hang out for a few days, if you ovulate shortly after your period ends, pregnancy could happen. It’s super important to understand and track your own cycle. So it’s smart to use contraception like condoms to help prevent pregnancy and stay safe.


7) Let your  reusable cloth pad stretch and smile by drying it in the sun

Myth: The cloth pad/reusable pad used during the period should not be sun dried and dried where no one sees them. 

Fact: The sun’s heat is a natural sterilizer and drying the clothes/cloth pads under the sun sterilizes them well for future use.


8) Sipping Milk Won’t Send the Cows Running Sick

Myth: Consuming milk and milk products will make the cow/buffalo ill, the udder of the cow dries up. 

Fact: Milk, cheese, and yogurt are like superheroes for your mood! Calcium,  vitamin D and other neutrinos in milk help to tackle anxiety, crankiness, and fight off those blues some girls feel during periods. So, pour yourself a glass and let the dairy delights save the day!


Remember, your period is a natural thing, not a curse or a reason for anyone to treat you differently. Embrace it, break the myths, and keep being your amazing self!