A lot of you have probably already asked yourselves this. It’s ok to have questions about such an important subject. Just remember not to be rushed into things. Each person’s journey is unique, and you should make a decision that feels right for you. Here are a few points to help you along.


  1. Check your legal rights before providing or approving consent:
  • In Nepal, you must be 20 to get married and up to 18 is an age definition of Children. The law is not clear when to have sex. However,  If you’re younger than 18, you and your partner could get in trouble, even if you agree or share consent for sex.


  1. Emotional Check-in: 
  • What is your attitude towards the prospect of having sex? Are you at ease with both your partner’s and your feelings? Are you aware and ready for the possible consequences of such a relationship? Check yourself first.


  1. Knowledge Boost:
  •  Learn about STIs (Sexual Transmitted Infections) and methods of contraception.
  •  Keep yourself informed and practice protection to save yourself from STIs but also unwanted pregnancies.


  1. Don’t Rush:
  • Take your time to determine how comfortable you are. There’s no rush.
  • It’s acceptable to take things slowly and to say no if you’re not ready.
  • Your comfort and well-being should always come first.


  1. Trust Your Instincts
  • Pay attention to your instincts; they are frequently correct.
  • It is acceptable to pause and re-evaluate if something doesn’t feel quite right.
  • When making decisions, have faith in your intuition and in yourself.


Recall that there is no right or incorrect response. What seems correct for you is what matters. Remain educated, be transparent in your communication, and most of all, take charge of your body, emotions and desires by yourself. 


Reference Video

Know If You Are Ready to Have Sex