Enhance online safety with reference to sample of strong password  which includes alphabets, numericals and symbols like “@Secure#2024!.” Think before you post, keep private information safe, accept only renowned friend requests, and report and block suspicious activity. 


1)Strong Passwords: Make your passwords strong and unique by using a combination of capitalized letters, numbers, symbols and spaces. Avoid using the same password for multiple websites. Never share your passwords with anyone. Here are some password ideas for you. Strong password example: @Amazing You 2000, $2000_Icandoanything


2) Keep Private Information Private: Be cautious about sharing sensitive details like your full name, address, phone number, or school information online.


3)Check Privacy Settings: Regularly review and update privacy settings on social media platforms to control who can see your posts and personal information. Be careful about your privacy and security, and use secure WiFi connections.


4)Think Before You Post: Be mindful of what you share online. Once it’s out there, it’s hard to take it back.


5)Intimate Pictures: Avoid sharing intimate pictures/videos with anyone.


6)Make Friends Carefully: Only accept friend requests from people you know personally. Be wary of fake profiles.


7)Think Before You Click and Upload: Clicking or uploading someone else’s picture or video on social networking platforms without their consent is a violation of their right to privacy. Those who engage in these kinds of activities, if reported, will be held accountable under the Privacy Act, 2075.


8)Report and Block: Report any harassment, bullying or cheating to the site administrators. In more serious cases seek legal support.


9)Seek Help: If your intimate photos or videos are shared without your consent, seek help from a trusted adult or professional.


10)Cybercrime: Activities such as publishing confidential information through the Internet or threatening to do the same fall under cybercrime and those doing so will be punished.