Partner with us


At Kikikuka, we believe in the power of collaboration to create lasting change. We are committed to empowering adolescents with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate relationships, health, and life decisions. By partnering with us, you can play an essential role in reaching and supporting thousands of young people across Nepal.

Why Partner With Us?


Shared Vision: Together, we can promote open conversations around reproductive health, relationships, and safety in a fun, accessible, and engaging way.


Impactful Reach: Our digital platforms, including a game, website, and social media campaigns, engage young audiences where they are—on their phones and online—ensuring the message resonates.


Innovative Approach: With interactive games, role-playing, quizzes, and fun educational content, we provide a safe and engaging space for adolescents to learn and grow.


Collaborative Development: We believe in co-designing solutions with our users, ensuring our interventions are effective, culturally relevant, and sustainable.


Join us in this mission! Whether you're an NGO, a corporate partner, or an individual looking to contribute, let's work together to create meaningful change for the next generation.

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