Lumraj Kadka, a determined 16-year-old boy, resided in the remote village of Jhumrikanda, nestled within Pyuthan Municipality. Lumraj’s life was far from easy, as he faced numerous challenges in pursuit of his education. Every single day, Lumraj, studying in 10th grade, embarks on an arduous journey to reach his school, which is located miles away from his village. Braving rugged terrains, unpredictable weather, and a lack of proper infrastructure, Lumraj walks for approximately three hours each way. The demanding six-hour trek daily has taken a toll on his studies, leaving him exhausted and struggling to keep up with his academic responsibilities.

However, Lumraj’s unwavering determination propels him forward, fueled by his thirst for knowledge and his deep-rooted desire to succeed. Despite the hardships and physical exertion, he refuses to waver in his resolve to obtain an education.

Lumraj’s family, consisting of nine members, played a vital role in shaping his determination. His elder sisters had set an inspiring example by prioritizing education and continuing their own studies. They had managed to break free from the shackles of illiteracy, and their educational pursuits served as a beacon of hope for Lumraj. Their unwavering support and encouragement further motivate him to overcome the challenges he faces.

The difficulties faced by Lumraj and other students in his village are not limited to the long and treacherous journey to school. During the short days of winter, when daylight is scarce, students often carry torchlights to guide their way back home. This additional burden added to their physical exhaustion and further impacted their ability to focus on their studies. The challenges further escalate during the rainy season, as the village’s streams swell and flood, creating impassable barriers for the students. Crossing these treacherous waters can become a life-threatening ordeal, forcing them to risk their safety to access education.

The combination of these adversities has a profound impact on the overall academic achievement of adolescents in the area, leading to an increasing number of school dropouts. The lack of proper infrastructure, coupled with the physical strain and risks involved, hinder the students’ ability to excel academically, pushing many of them to abandon their educational aspirations.

“In my family, all my elder sisters have received an education and continued their studies. Seeing their achievements has inspired me to believe that education can change our lives and give us better opportunities.”

– Lumraj Khadka, 10th grader from Chanjal-7, Pyuthan Municipality-5, Jumrikanda

The issue of school dropouts among adolescents is closely linked to adolescent reproductive health. When adolescents are forced to drop out of school due to various reasons, they often face numerous challenges, including limited access to comprehensive reproductive health information and services. Education plays a crucial role in empowering adolescents with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. When adolescents are unable to complete their education, they are more vulnerable to engaging in risky sexual behaviors, early marriage, and unplanned pregnancies.

Recognizing the urgent need to address the issues of adolescents and to improve the reproductive health of adolescents aged 10-19 in Nepal, including marginalized groups, USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) collaborates with the federal, provincial, and municipal governments in Lumbini Province, along with Madhesh and Karnali Provinces as well. USAID ARH’s overarching goal is to empower Nepali adolescents to realize their full potential by making informed choices and adopting healthy reproductive behaviors, all while receiving support from the communities.